True Nature School of Yoga
YTT Graduate
"The True Nature YTT program completely changed my life. It deepened my physical practice but more importantly my spiritual practice. Yoga used to be just a thing I did for 30-45 minutes a day, now it's the way I live. The program taught me how to feel more confident in my body and in my knowledge of Yoga. As a result I feel ready to teach."
True Nature School of Yoga
YTT Graduate
“I learned so much in this program, much more than I ever expected. Being a part of the True Nature YTT has enhanced my life overall. Learning the Yoga Sutras has given me new tools to meet the challenges of my everyday life. It has also brought me a new appreciation of my own faith. Being a part of
True Nature School of Yoga
YTT Graduate
“I learned so much in this program, much more than I ever expected. Being a part of the True Nature YTT has enhanced my life overall. Learning the Yoga Sutras has given me new tools to meet the challenges of my everyday life. It has also brought me a new appreciation of my own faith. Being a part of this program has taught me to look at life through new eyes. My yoga practice has now gone beyond just the asanas. I had such a great time being a part of this program. I am sad to see it end, but also excited to get started on my new venture into sharing yoga with others. The highlight of the program was relationships I developed with my fellow students. These ladies will be in my heart forever and my friends for life. I feel so very well prepared and ready to teach yoga. Danielle provided a well-rounded program that covered all aspects of the yoga tradition. I am ready to share my knowledge of yoga with others with confidence.”
True Nature School of Yoga
YTT Graduate
"During the YTT program my physical yoga practice improved, but most of all acceptance of my body improved. Though my abilities may not be where I want them to be, I am still very capable of teaching yoga. The program encouraged me to push through my doubts and I know now that I can do this! Yoga is
True Nature School of Yoga
YTT Graduate
"During the YTT program my physical yoga practice improved, but most of all acceptance of my body improved. Though my abilities may not be where I want them to be, I am still very capable of teaching yoga. The program encouraged me to push through my doubts and I know now that I can do this! Yoga is a part of me. And, the flexibility of a hybrid format is so valuable. I would definitely do a hybrid class again."
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