True Nature School of Yoga has been successfully offering in-depth yoga training for 17 years.
True Nature School of Yoga provides the opportunity for all curious yoga students to gather in a community of exploration. During yoga training you learn to connect with your passion, experience your inner radiance and ultimately share with others what you love about Yoga. Our program allows for immersion into a learning community to exchange ideas, share inspirations and learn new methods to take your personal practice to new heights. True Nature programs focus on teaching from a heart centered calling. We believe yoga to be a sacred tradition for offering peace to the people. We all have different challenges we face in life. Yoga offers us a way to reduce our suffering. To observe ourselves and learn to live more intentionally. Everyone can benefit from the study and practice of Yoga!
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Graduate Testimonial
Watch the video to hear what graduates are saying about the True Nature Yoga Teacher Training Program.
A comprehensive study of the teachings of Yoga and ideal for the aspiring Yoga student who wishes to deepen their personal practice and gain a more complete understanding of the vast tradition of Yoga. This program gives you a solid foundation for getting you started teaching classes. Even if you have no intention to teach Yoga, this program will transform your experience of your body, enlighten your mind to unique possibilities and open your heart to the higher vibrations of acceptance and loving kindness.
At True Nature, groups are kept to an intimate size allowing room for personal interaction and individual expression. We value the spiritual roots of the Yoga tradition and provide the platform for a life long, holistic Yoga practice. Diving into the healing benefits and subtle aspects of Yoga this program encourages exploration of the individual experience and recognizes that every body has distinct needs and limitations. Each Yoga student is unique and our training emphasizes how to teach safely to a diverse range of people. While we cover yoga postures in depth, we also inspire teachers and students to embark on a path of self-inquiry and spiritual growth.
When your journey leads you to a place where you are contemplating a Yoga teaching vocation, you are considering a very important and valuable role in society. Becoming a yoga teacher is an honored tradition passed down through thousands of years. Now more than ever, we modern practitioners can receive incredible value from the time tested benefits of Yoga. At True Nature School of Yoga, we train teachers to provide intelligent instruction and sequencing, express the teachings from your own personal practice, and to remain inspired while on this path of service and love.
The Yoga Teacher Training program is in accordance with the Yoga Alliance National Standards and includes in-depth study and experience in:
The 200 Hour Yoga program also covers the following special topics:
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